Psychic Children & HSP Children (Highly Sensitive Children)
It’s very important to protect HSP children (highly sensitive children) and/or psychic children from negative influences. Their sensitivity automatically turns them into strong receivers of environmental issues. This reflects in their behaviour. For this reason it is best to teach them how to manage their psychic abilities. Learn them how to shut-down for information they don’t want to receive. Or know how to deal with positive information that has come through. The more these children get to grips with their psychic gift, the calmer they become. Often placing a protective shield around the child already has a soothing effect.

There is no general approach for psychic and/or highly sensitive children. Each child is different and has it’s own unique abilities. Appropriate is to assess what the child encounters. What are its fears and worries. Depending on this information we decide what is needed most to support the child. A session usually includes:
– Exercises how to turn off psychic abilities that are custom fit to your child
– Energy healing to strengthen the child’s self power  – self protection
– Increase the child’s body-mind awareness
– Breathing exercises to assist calming down
– Information for parents/guardians how to support the child.

Please feel free to send me some extra information about the child in advance. This enables me to tune in on the child before the session starts. You can contact me either by e-mail: or
cell phone (+31) 06 – 13 73 22 27.
with love,
Elisabeth van Rijn

Frequent complaints of psychic children & HSP children (highly sensitive children)
not being able to stay long in a shopping mall, having nightmares, restless sleep, seeing ghosts, being afraid for hunches about something that hasn’t happened yet, absorbing other people’s feelings, being angry out of the blue- without knowing the reason why etc, etc.

When I was a young child I was guided by a strong psychic and energetic healer. Now it’s my turn to do something back for all the sensitive sweethearts in this world. And also to support their parents/guardians. So I followed in depth training on the Highly Sensitive Children/Persons subject to assist you more  adequately. It’s an honour to help you out of the daily struggle with your psychic child!

Good to know
According to Dutch law parents/guardians have to give their permission to me for therapy.  Children from ages of 12 to 16 have to give me their permission as well to give them therapy and their will is leading. 16-Year-old Children are allowed to make their own therapy choice.

Vondelpark, Amsterdam NL